
Here are the tools to build up your real estate portfolio!

On this page, you will find tools that have helped me a lot throughout my career. I hope that they will also help you to optimize your real estate investments and to professionalize your entrepreneurial skills.

Level-Up: According to the motto: „Recognize yourself, discipline yourself, and refine yourself“, you will definitely climb to the next level..

Improvements: If you feel the site is missing other useful tools, just send me a message via the contact form. I will then try to add more tools on real estate and entrepreneurship.

Support: If you have questions you can’t find answers to, just write to me and tell me what you need! I am sure we will find the right solution for you.

The coach makes the difference whether you will play in the amateur or the professional league.

The following contents are available for download (free of charge):

Enter your e-mail address, and the download process will start!


  • Income and expenditure calculator (Excel template)
  • Personal Statement of assets and liabilities (Word document)
  • Rental property calculator (Excel calculator)
  • List of documents required to buy a property (Word document)
  • Equipment and feature description
  • Self-disclosure of the tenant and list of documents for the tenant (Word document)